Blog 2017-08-25 1,603 0
Some clothes with heavier colors sometimes fade away when they are washed, which will not only color the other clothes but also make the original clothes fade not bright. I’ll give you a few tips to help you wash your clothes.
1. If it’s a cowboy suit, you can soak it in a proper amount of salt water and soak it all day after you buy it. If you want to make the cowboy softer, use the right amount of white vinegar bubbles to protect the color and softness. After the bubble, wash normally. When drying, turn inside out, also have the effect that prevents fading.
2. The colored clothes of pure cotton just bought back also can be soaked in salt water first, also can protect color. If the color is heavier, separate hand wash and not mix with the light colors. Some of the washing powder will have whitening functions, so watch the type and use less.
3. Everyone is used to washing machines now, but the best thing is to do it by hand. Hand washing can be targeted, strength can be controlled. Machine wash is too general, not only the force cannot control, was also not clean. Machine wash can only as long as washing powder, hand wash can choose soap, harm will be smaller.
4. Use cold water or cold water whenever you use water. The colors of the clothes are mostly stained, and the colors are easy to dissolve in warm or hot water, so the cold water can be more solid. There are many kinds of laundry detergent, which can be added a little when washed and can protect clothes slightly. Some are better than others.
5. When the clothes are dry, put them away. The clothes will fade in the sun for too long. And it doesn’t just fade, it hurts clothes. The power of ultraviolet rays must not be underestimated.
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