Blog 2018-01-13 1,469 0
How do you solve the stains on your clothes? There’s no need to be afraid of laundry hacks! Whether you’re covered with oil, paint, grass stains, blood, coffee, rust, ink, etc., don’t be afraid! Come and see it quickly! There’s always one that you can use.
It’s worth mentioning that you can use washing powder to decontamination. At present, laundry sheet is popular in Europe and America, and domestic estimates are growing fast. There are many benefits to the laundry sheet, which can get rid of stains better.
It is difficult to eradicate the stain on white clothing, then take a lemon slice and boil it in water and soak it in water for about 15 minutes.
Sometimes the clothes will not be allowed to dry, the unpleasant smell of sweat, white vinegar mixed with water, soak the taste of the clothes for about five minutes, then dry the clothes in the ventilation area!
When freshly infected, wash with cold water or light brine (no hot water), and mix with white turnip or crushed carrots to remove blood stains from clothing. If contamination time is longer, use 10% of ammonia water or 3% of hydrogen peroxide to wipe the smudge, after a while, then use cold water to be washed.
If still not clean, use 10-15 % of oxalate solution to wash, finally clean with a water rinse. Both new trails and traces can be rubbed and cleaned with sulfur soap. Apply hand oil on the blood, stay for 15 minutes or so, wash with soap and soap.
Wash rice water + orange peel is simple and effective: retain wash rice water or put orange peel in the pot inside add water to boil, soak in the cloth of yellow cloth to wash the clothes to be able to restore white clothes easily. Not only simple, also unlike the fluorescent brightener that sells in the market can produce side effect to the skin without harming the material, it is a good method worth a try.
When wool or cloth is stained with oil, should wash with hot water or boiling the water first, then wash with soapy water, rinse with clean water, can be clean. Do not wash with cold water, as this will allow the color to be immersed in the fiber and it will be difficult to wash it.
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